ePhoneAppend.com - FAQs Telephone Data Processing
Appending Data at Internet Speed!


  1. What is ePhone Append.com?
  2. How does our processing work?
  3. How do I submit my file?
  4. Once the processing has been completed on my file, do I get a report back?
  5. How long does it take to process my file?
  6. What should I expect as a match rate?

What is ePhoneAppend.com?

Our ePhoneAppend system connects you with a comprehensive national database of 165 million consumer and business phone numbers. We provide you with the most current telephone numbers available.

How does our processing work?

We first confirms that your phone numbers are correct. Depending on the service you select the following then happens

Area Code Update: If the telephone number you provided on your file has an incorrect area code based on either an recent area code split or a possible data entry error, it will be corrected. Click here for a full description

DMA/TPS Telephone Suppression: If the number provided on your file or a number that was appended to your file using our Telephone Append Processing is matched with the DMA/TPS Telephone Suppression file, it will be flagged. In your telemarketing efforts and as a function of your business to consumer relationship, you should determine if your business is exempt or non-exempt from the Federal Telephone Consumer Privacy Act (TCPA) guidelines as well as any individual State Do-Not-Call legislations. Click here for a full description

Telephone Append: If you need telephone numbers added to your file this is the most comprehensive service available. ePhoneAppend.com matches your name and address' with a national database of over 130 million consumer phone numbers. The phone numbers that are appended to your file go through extensive processing including, Area Code Update and the DMA/TPS Telephone Suppression. In addition this processing also applies Time Zone data to your file so that you may follow the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act required by many states. Click here for a full description

Reverse Telephone Append: If your database contains phone number without any mailing information, ePhoneAppend.com has the solution for you. Reverse Phone Append simply matches your phone numbers to our database and appends the consumer mailing information if we find a match. It's that simple! Click here for a full description

How do I submit my file?

Once you have contacted a sales representative at ePhoneAppend.com, click here for contact information, you will be provided with a secure FTP address or you may send your information to us via mail on CD, 3.5" floppy disk or ZIP disk. Please contact us for more information. Click Here for Contact Information

Once the processing has been completed on my file, do I get a report back?

Yes, you will receive a complete report, either online or via e-mail, of the results of the processing that was done by ePhoneAppend.com.

How long does it take to process my file?

Typically processing time will take 24 hours if submitted between normal business hours, 9-5. Processing may take slightly longer for an overly large file of over 5 MM.

What should I expect as a match rate?

Depending on the services you have selected and the recency of your file match rates may vary.

Area Code Update The range is dramatic depending on the recency of your file and the geographic frequencies.

DMA/TPS Telephone Suppression A typical match rate is 2% - 5%.

Telephone Append A typical match rate if from 35% - 65%. This varies on the recency and cleanliness of your file.

Reverse Phone Append A match rate of 35% - 55% is a typical match rate for Reverse Phone Append Processing.

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