ePhoneAppend.com - Reverse Phone Append
Appending Data at Internet Speed!

Reverse Telephone Append

Does your house file or prospect list contain only telephone numbers? Our ePhoneAppend.com system provides names and addresses to match your telephone numbers. Just give us your list of customer or prospect telephone numbers, and where there is a match, a name and address will be added.

Reverse Telephone Append match rates vary based on many factors such as file age and coverage (i.e. areas with high incidence of unlisted numbers). However, a 35% - 55% match rate range is often used for planning purposes.

Included in our Reverse Telephone Append process is the application of our Area Code Update service to your file. It will increase your match rate since your house file may not reflect the 10,000 plus Area Code/exchange combinations that are added or changed annually. Click here for the full description of Area Code Update


Service Level Price Per Thousand Processed
Minimum Order 50 Recordes 50M-250M Records 250M-1MM Records 1MM+ Records
3 Business Day Service $200.00 $25.00/M        
Match Charge 
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
Next Business Day P.M Service $275.00 $30.00/M
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
Next Business Day A.M. Service $350.00 $35.00/M
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
3 Hour Priority Service $450.00 $40.00/M
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
Match Charge
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